Resilience by Dr. Michael Unger
September 15, 2020
My company had a lecture about Resilience by Dr. Michael Unger, and I have compiled a few of my notes below.
- Resilience - nagivate your world but also negotiate resources around you.
- Resilience is not just about being positive yourself but also about the resources/support around you.
- Factors such as accountability, supportive relationships, community belonging, sense of control, positive thinking, physical and financial well being (social comparison causes unhappy financial wellbeing).
- Which resources we need is a matter of negotiation.
- Strategies for success :
- Change yourself - which change are the right ones?
- Chocolate.
- Sleep.
- Physical fitness.
- Dinner with family.
- A little alcohol.
- Relationships/Sex.
- Make the best use possible of the 12 resources you have.
- Change your world to have more of the 12 resources.
- When all else fails, change what you want.
- Change yourself - which change are the right ones?